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Sunday 18 October 2020

This is what occurred in WhatsApp this week

 This is what occurred in WhatsApp this week 

WhatsApp has revealed another enlivened sticker pack called Baby Shark in its application. It is accessible for download on the organization's Android and iOS-based applications. 

The other element that the organization is taking a shot at is brought In-App Support. (REUTERS) 

The universe of WhatsApp is normally humming with insights regarding the highlights that would show up on the informing stage in the coming days. In any case, it was a generally peaceful week this time. This week we became more acquainted with about certain highlights that the organization has just turned out on its foundation. 

For example, the Facebook-claimed informing stage has revealed another enlivened sticker pack called Baby Shark in its application. This new sticker pack weighs simply 3.4MBs and it is accessible for download in the organization's Android and iOS-based applications. 

Aside from the new sticker pack, we likewise became acquainted with around two new highlights that the organization is taking a shot at. First is the Sticker Search include. This element will empower clients to look for stickers simply the manner in which they look for GIFs. Once empowered, the sticker search highlight will show up towards the extraordinary left corner of the space wherein clients look for emoticons, GIFs and stickers. This element is still in the formative stage and it is accessible to choose Android beta clients as it were. 

The other component that the organization is chipping away at is brought In-App Support. This component will empower clients to contact WhatsApp's help group straightforwardly from inside the application. Clients will have the option to connect with the organization's help group utilizing a confirmed visit. This won't just make it simpler for clients to determine their issues rapidly and effectively however it will likewise defend clients from tricksters who use WhatsApp messages to dupe clients.

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